Welcome to Old St. Vincent’s Church

Old St. Vincent’s Church is standing tall as a great majestic monument to the rich religious tradition and spiritual health of Missouri’s Cape Girardeau. Old St. Vincent’s Church is located near the Mississippi riverfront in the Cape Girardeau, Missouri downtown area. The Renaissance architecture, referred to as English Gothic Revival style, is not only beautiful but also rare as very few churches of this style exist in America today. Click on the following link for an informational virtual video tour of the church:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAo-afuOKig


Each of us has an interest in Old St. Vincent’s Church as did the original parishioners who sacrificed to ensure that we have our existing church. Only you can decide what to give. The amount of time, talent and treasure that you promise is a personal matter that only you can decide after careful reflection and prayer. Give according to your means and according to your faith, knowing that you are a responsible steward of God’s gifts and an enthusiastic follower of Christ’s way.

Video Library

Old St. Vincent Church Virtual Video Tour

2011 Old St. Vincent Church Promotional Video

The Story of Knock

Lady of Knock

Five Videos from 2020 St. Paddy's Party

Elvis Presley, Miracle of the Rosary

Shall We Gather at the River

How Great Thou Art

Amazing Grace

Take My Hand Precious Lord

A Living Prayer

By the Mark Where the Nails Have Been

Family Bible

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

Rock of Ages

The Old Rugged Cross

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

I Believe

Jesus Loves Me

When God Dips His Love in My Heart

In the Garden

From Jerusalem to Jericho

Scarlet Purple Robe

I Serve a Savior

Here I Am Lord

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Hail Mary, Gentle Woman

Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling

Let There Be Peace on Earth

On Eagle's Wings

If Jesus Comes Tomorrow

Stand By Me

Be Not Afraid

Peace In The Valley

This Train

Did You Forget God Today

30 Pieces of Silver

Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven

It Is No Secret

Where He Leads Me

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

Life's Railway To Heaven

On The Wings Of A Dove

Close To Thee

Remind Me, Dear Lord

Gone Home

Where No One Stands Alone

I'd Rather Have Jesus

Mansion Over The Hilltop

Because He Lives

This World IS Not My Home